Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 12, 2018


Why re-invent the wheel?Why design a project from the start when there are many modules available on the web that can get a project finished in half the time.
One such module is a 4-Channel remote control.

The Transmitter plus the Receiver costs $5.00
The range is about 30 metres.
1.Operating voltage: DC12v (27A/12v battery)
2.Operating Current: 10mA @ 12v
3.Radiated power: 10mw @ 12v
4.Modulation mode: ASK (Amplitude Modulation)
5.Transmitting frequency: 315MHz
6.Transmission distance 50-100M (Open field, receiver sensitivity  -100dbm)
7.Encoder types: fixed code

Receiver Board 
Operating voltage DC 5v, receiver sensitivity -98db. VT, D3, D2, D1, D0, +5v, GND.
VT is a valid signal high output pin. Upon receiving a valid signal, this pin goes HIGH. Can be used to drive a relay. 
D3, D2, D1, D0 are the 4 outputs.  One of the outputs goes HIGH when a valid signal is detected.
The transmitter is a fob-sized case with four buttons.
These buttons can be labelled A, B, C, D or D, C, B, A depending on the manufacturer and the software has to be written for each type of transmitter.
The receiver is a very small PC board with the output via a set of pins.
But the transmitter/receiver set-up needs additional circuitry to take the 4 outputs to control various devices.
It needs either a set of relays or buffer (DRIVER) transistors.

That's what this project does.
It takes the 4 outputs and connects them to a set of 4 driver transistor.
But an additional feature is provided by the microcontroller.
It turns each of the outputs ON or OFF each time the button is pressed.
This project is ideal for so many applications.
You may have a large train layout and you will be able to control 4 items at a distance without the need for wiring.
Or you can open and close gates or animal feeders or watering devices.
You can turn on displays or alarms or anything that needs activation.
The transmitter will work up to about 30 metres and operates at 315MHz via a transmitting module contained in a 3-leaded metal can, soldered next to the transmitting coil.


 4 channel remote control circuit
CONSTRUCTIONThe components fir on a small PC board and all parts are through-hole, except for the surface-mount LEDs.

The program only performs a very simple task but doing this with discrete devices will take at least 6 chips.
You need to detect a long or short tone from 4 channels and provide a latching circuit.
Rather than sit down and design the necessary circuit, you can use a microcontroller.
It's just a very convenient way of solving your circuit-designing problems.
The outputs of the receiver are fed to a 100n capacitor via different-value resistors.
The diodes are needed because the outputs go low and the resistors not being used would be taken to 0v and have the effect of reducing the line that is HIGH.
If the 120k line is HIGH and all the others are LOW, a voltage-dividing situation would result in a very small voltage on the 100n.
With our arrangement, the voltage on the 100n will be 5v, but the time taken to reach 5v will be different for each line as the value of the charging resistor is different.
The micro discharges the 100n via the 220R and then waits to see how long it takes to charge the 100n.
It then discharges the 100n and waits again.
It keeps doing this to determine if a button has been pushed for a short period of time or long period of time.
This arrangement has been done because we only have 6 in-out lines on the PIC12F629 microcontroller chip and 4 lines have been allocated for the outputs.
The fifth line is INPUT ONLY and does not have the capability of discharging the 100n.
That means we only have one line available to detect the 4 input lines (as we need to have a line that can be configured as input and output). 
Many of the sub-routines for this project have already been written and you can look through previous projects for the instructions.
The micro will be mainly looping around the input. This is called "polling" the input and it simply discharges the 100n and waits for a long period of time to see if it has charged. This period of time represent the time taken for the 120k to charge the 100n. It is only a few milliseconds, but in computer time this is considerable.
When the 100n is detected as being charged, the micro goes to a sub-routine to determine which line is HIGH.
The program then toggles the corresponding output.

For more details on modifying the program and burning the PIC chip, see Talking Electronics website and click on Elektor,EPE,Silicon Chip in the index.You can find details of:  PICkit-2 and Adapter connected for In-Circuit Programming at this link.

Here is the file you will need for "burning" your chip and/or modifying the program. It comes as .asm, .txt and .hex for using as a file to modify, or to read, or to burn a new chip: 


The kit comes with a pre-programmed PIC chip, see parts list below.
;Started 18/4/2015 
;4-Channel 303MHz (313MHz)- Press one of 4 buttons for
;a short time and the corresponding output will toggle. 

 list p=12F629
 radix dec
 include ""
 errorlevel -302 ; Don't complain about 
                     BANK 1 Registers during assembly

                   & _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT  ;Internal osc.

;_MCLRE_OFF - master clear must be off for gp3 to work as input pin 

; variables - names and files

temp1 equ 20h ;
temp2 equ 21h ;
temp3 equ 22h ;
temp4 equ 23h ;   
_flash equ 26h ;for flashing the LED

status equ 0x03
rp1 equ 0x06
rp0 equ 0x05
GPIO  equ     0x05

status equ 03h
option_reg equ 81h

 ; bits on GPIO
pin7 equ 0 ;GP0  Input from 303MHz module
pin6 equ 1 ;GP1  Output A
pin5 equ 2 ;GP2  Output B
pin4 equ 3 ;GP3  not used
pin3 equ 4 ;GP4  Output C
pin2 equ 5 ;GP5  Output D   

rp0 equ 5 ;bit 5 of the status register

;Beginning of program
 org 0x00
SetUp bsf status, rp0  ;Bank 1   
        movlw b'11001001' ;Set TRIS  GP1,2,4,5 out GP0,input
 movwf TRISIO     ;  
 bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0
 movlw   07h          ;turn off Comparator ports
        movwf   CMCON        ;must be placed in bank 0  
        clrf    _flash     
 clrf  GPIO        ;Clear GPIO of junk  
 goto  Main 
;* delays   *

 ;approx 16uS  delay

_10uS goto  $+1
        goto  $+1
 goto  $+1
        goto  $+1
        goto  $+1
        goto  $+1
        goto  $+1
 retlw  00

_XuS movlw .100
 movwf temp1
_2 nop
 decfsz  temp1,f
 goto  _2  
 retlw  00
_1mS movlw .2
 movwf temp2
_1 nop
 decfsz  temp1,f
 goto  _1
 decfsz  temp2,f
 goto  _1 
 retlw  00 
_100mS movlw .100
 movwf temp2
_100 nop
 decfsz  temp1,f
 goto  _100
 decfsz  temp2,f
 goto  _100 
 retlw  00  
_500mS movlw 0FFh
 movwf temp2
_500 goto $+1
 goto $+1
 decfsz  temp1,f
 goto  _500
 decfsz  temp2,f
 goto  _500 
 retlw  00 
;* Sub Routines    *
LED     bsf    gpio,1
        call  _500mS
 bcf    gpio,1
        call  _100mS 
        decfsz   _flash,1
        goto     LED
        call  _500mS
        call  _500mS
        call  _500mS
        call  _500mS 
 goto     Main 
Toggle decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  02
 xorwf gpio,1 ;pin6 button A (1)
 goto    M2
 decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  02
 xorwf gpio,1 ;pin6 button A (2)
 goto    M2
 decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  04
 xorwf gpio,1 ;pin5 button B (3)
        goto    M2
 decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  04
  xorwf gpio,1 ;pin5 button B (4)
        goto    M2
        decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  04
 xorwf gpio,1 ;pin5 button B (5)
        goto    M2
        decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  10h
 xorwf gpio,1 ;pin3 button C (6)
 goto    M2
 decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  10h
 xorwf gpio,1 ;pin3 button C (7)
 goto    M2
        decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  10h
 xorwf gpio,1 ;pin3 button C (8)
 goto    M2
        decfsz  _flash,1
 goto    $+4
 movlw  20h
 xorwf gpio,1  ;pin2 button D (9)
        goto    M2    
 decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    $+4
        movlw  20h
 xorwf gpio,1  ;pin2 button D (10)
 goto    M2
 decfsz  _flash,1
        goto    M2 
        movlw  20h
 xorwf gpio,1  ;pin2 button D (11)
 goto    M2  
;* Main        *

Main bsf status, rp0  ;Bank 1   
        bcf  TRISIO,0        ;make pin7 output  
 bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0

 bcf gpio,0      ;make pin7 low to discharge 100n
        call _1mS     ;discharge 100n
        bsf status, rp0  ;Bank 1   
        bsf  TRISIO,0        ;make pin7 input  
 bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0 
 btfss   gpio,0  
 goto    $-2
 bsf status, rp0  ;Bank 1   
        bcf  TRISIO,0        ;make pin7 output  
 bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0

 bcf gpio,0      ;make pin7 low to discharge 100n
        call _1mS     ;discharge 100n
        clrf    _flash
        bsf status, rp0  ;Bank 1   
        bsf  TRISIO,0        ;make pin7 input  
 bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0 
 btfsc   gpio,0        
 goto    Toggle
 incf    _flash,1
 call    _XuS
 goto    $-4
 ;switch debounce:
M2      bsf status, rp0  ;Bank 1   
        bcf  TRISIO,0        ;make pin7 output  
 bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0

 bcf gpio,0      ;make pin7 low to discharge 100n
        call _1mS     ;discharge 100n
        bsf status, rp0  ;Bank 1   
        bsf  TRISIO,0        ;make pin7 input  
 bcf status, rp0 ;bank 0
 call _1mS 
 call _1mS  
 btfsc   gpio,0  
 goto    M2
        goto    Main

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